Meta Title and Meta Description both are the crucial part of SEO. An effective Meta Tags can increase the chance of organic traffic on your web pages. Meta Title and Description are the things that Google look for when a user types a query keyword. If Title and description have that keyword in it then its possibility to rank on top will increase. Many people focus on keywords only during writing these both things but relevancy or specific information also matter. There is a list of some elements that should be in your mind before writing Meta Tags and Description.
How to Write Meta Tag
Use Keyword Once In Meta Title:-
In Meta Tag, Keyword is important so always use keyword in the title. Add keywords in the first 30% of the title.
Write Catchy Title:-
Add a catchy title that can attract readers towards that blog. If you just add keywords rather than providing the title as per user query then the user will not take interest in your blog.
Add Brand Name In Meta Title:-
You can use the band name in the title so that an image can create on users mind and this will help in increasing trust that can provide you a stable or long term audience.
Write Between 50-60 Characters:-
Make sure you follow the title guideline as per Google norms. When a user searches for a query then he can see 60-70 characters only so if you write more than that Google will not display it or this can affect your traffic also because of half display information during search.
Write Unique Page Meta Titles For Each Page:-
A unique and attractive title can attract more audience. Write a title that can work as call to action so that your organic traffic can increase.
How to Write Meta Description
Write Description Within 155 Characters :-
When you write Meta Description then you should keep in mind that after 155 characters Google will not show your data to the user when he will do the first query. Write an attractive description that can insist the reader to click on your blog.
Add Call-To-Action Statement:-
If a reader will not get the exact solution for which he was looking for, it will be difficult to rank that page because irrelevant information is not the solution. Make sure you add the statement that insists the user to read your blog.
Use Keyword Twice:-
In the beginning or in mid you can use keyword so that your blog or post can easily come into the search. Without keywords it's hard to target the exact audience so keeping keywords in description is necessary.
Relevant Description:-
Meta Description is the short intro of topic. If descriptions do not match with post data then readers will not take interest and this can be a big reason for high bounce rate.
Unique Content:- Do not copy descriptions of similar blogs. Google always prefers unique content so always write a unique and grammarly correct description.
You can take title or description ideas from your competitor however do not copy their content just take ideas and implement them into your blog. Without Meta Title and Meta description it's hard to rank a blog in on page activities. These are the major parts that you have to do in SEO.
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